Bonsai Potter Book
Levon Arzooyan and Dan Giphart's book:
In this full color 130 page reference book are many of the best Western potters. Every potter has two pages in the book, with their contact information, a photo of themselves and their bonsai pot signature, a biography and many beautiful pots, brought to you by authors, Daan Giphart and Levon Arzooyan.
The following potters are in the book ; Bryan Albright, Derek Aspinall, Jack Bacus, Ian Baillie, Jim Barrett, Marc Bauwens, Cecilia Barton, Dan Barton, Richard Boggs, Patrice Bongrand, Dale Cochoy, Gordon Duffett, Gilbert van der Elst, Petra Engelke, Jim Gremel, Filip Haesen, Michael Hagedorn, Petra Hahn, Alan Harriman, Victor and Glyn Harris, Horst Heinzlreiter, Wendy Heller, Jürgen Hilken, Franz Hilliger, Roger Hnatiuk, Stan and Ilse Holroyd, Renske Jaasma, David Jones, Lenie Jongerhuis, Andreas van Kerckhove, Milan Klika and Vlada Kurátková, Ingrid Kralovec, Peter Krebs, Ron Lang, René Lecocq, Nick Lenz, Dave Lowman, Elsebeth Ludvigsen, Jacques Marty, Sandi McFarland, Hans Meeuwsen, Andy Pearson, Donnas Hermena Peterson, John Pitt, Morea Pubben, Sara Rayner, Mario Remeggio, Tony Remington, Ron de Roo, Harry Smeets, Roger Snipes, Piotr 'wiecki, Diane Thoman, Kevin Thompson, Dirk Vanspeybroeck, Dolf Verjans, William Vlaanderen, Emil Wanningen and Silvia Weber.
Diane would like to thank the authors for including her in this book, and would like to acknowledge all of their hard work and dedication to the art of Bonsai and Pottery to make this book a reality.
(This book may now be out of print, but some copies can still be found.)